I actually like being wrong. I MOST OFTEN am wrong about A LOT of things. But if I wasn't making mistakes, I wouldn't learn and grow. I'm FAR FAR from perfect and I am RIDICULOUSLY HARD on myself! Drives my husband nuts. If I didn't want to constantly be improving myself as a person, mother, wife, christian, friend, stranger, etc... I would just be. To me that's not good enough. I still make NUMEROUS mistakes on a DAILY basis and that's okay. My family and friends show me exceptional grace and mercy EVERY DAY (of which I am EXTREMELY grateful...thank you)! I focus mainly on my flaws and where I need improvement. But I also have had to learn to let go of certain things and feeling. I can't always be in control. Somethings are beyond my grasp. And if it has to do with another human being, FORGET ABOUT IT! I can't change them. Only me. I can ONLY CHANGE ME. GOD WILL CHANGE MY HEART. GOD WILL CHANGE THEIR HEARTS. BUT ONLY IF ALLOWED TOO!
So I continue to concentrate on me! Lydia can only improve Lydia! I want to be the best example I can for my beautiful daughters!
Found on Google images. I do not own this image. I just really like it.
Thanks for stopping by to read what's in my head!
Lydia - A Girl of Many Hats
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