Tuesday, July 31, 2012

WOW: Day One

WOW Series
Day One

You maybe wondering how to start. Here are a few of steps to help get the ball rolling.
1. Pick a goal.
2. Make a plan.
3. Provide yourself with the tools to follow the plan.
4. Eliminate obstacles
5. Accountability

Choose your goal! "In six weeks, my goal is _______." Please be sure that your goal is reasonable for the established time-frame. Write it down. Put it on Facebook. Tweet it. Blog it. Call your mom and tell her your goal. Share with a co-worker or fellow student. The point is ACCOUNTABILITY! If no one is helping you stay accountable, getting sidetracked or giving up is almost inevitable.

Now, you make a plan. When are you working out? Morning? Lunchtime? Evening? How often? What type of workout will you chose? There are many. Insanity, P90X, and Crossfit  are just to name a few. Doesn't really matter what you chose. The fact is that you will see results once you start eating right and MOVE! I will tell you that you definitely need to hit the weights. Cardio is not the ONLY answer.

Providing yourself with the right tools is important. If you plan to workout at home, you may want to invest in exercise equipment. Or you could join a gym. You need a journal and pen. Keep track of you progress.  You need to eat a well-balanced diet. Make a meal plan. Start planning all your meals for the week. Shop for the meal plan. Try eating 6-8 small meals a day. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, before, during and after your workout. Nutrition is 60% of success when it comes to being fit and healthy.

Eliminate! What is you weakness - your Achilles Heel? Is it soda or candy? Going out for dinner? If your friends invite you to go out to dinner every weekend or eat out for lunch, let them know about your refocus on health and that you are eliminating roadblocks. Trust me, they will understand. This is important. Don't short-change yourself. Eliminate the obstacles that stand in your way. Go through your pantry and fridge and start eliminating! You don't need those things. They don't help you. Discipline is key here, people. You can not satisfy appetite. Feeding your appetite only makes it grow.

As I mentioned earlier, accountability is crucial to success. Surround yourself with a support group. This series will be my accountability and I would love your support and involvement! Share your goals with me. Share your plans with me. Share your triumphs with me. Share your setbacks with me, too. I want to be here for you.

I've picked my goal. Have you? Come back tomorrow morning. I'll be sharing my plan with you.

Go for the WOW!

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm going to WOW him

Truthfully, I have not been trying to get back into shape. I look pretty good for having a baby five months ago, but I'm no where near the physique before getting pregnant. I had worked really hard for the physique and I need to do so again. No more excuses!

So here's my plan. My husband is gone for the next 6 weeks. My goal is to 'wow' him when he gets home. Although, he thinks I'm gorgeous and sexy just the way I am, I want to stop him in his tracks! Starting tonight after my Zumba Fitness class I will be starting my strict 6 week make over. Wanna join me?

Follow my for the next 6 weeks. State your goal in the comments. I'll help you and motivate you and keep you accountable. I only ask you do the same for me. I'm GREAT at coming up with excuses! So below type you a very realistic goal for the next 6 weeks. Take a before picture. Take my hand and we will do this together!!!

My goal is muscle definition. Ideally my abs, thighs, and arms.

Let's do this!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fuzzi-Bunz Giveaway!

I really enjoy using the cloth diaper on my Little Bits. They are super easy to use and clean.

I have not tried the Fuzzi-Bunz, but I have heard great things. I would really like to win, becuase I need more cloth diapers. I only have 5 BumGenius right now!

Enter for your chance to win! Good Luck!


Balancing Act

So, I'm a hot mess. I always try to handle everything by myself. I'm a military spouse so I'm use to being alone and doing what needs to me done...I know my other wives understand. You're married, but have a roommate that's never home. You're married, but a single parent. You learn to deal and do. My distress; however, is not being alone and doing it by myself. It is actually relinquishing the idea that I am alone and must do it by myself. I have a terrific support system and many friends who are willing and ready to lend a hand. But do I call on them? No! I'd rather be hardheaded. This only leads to more stress and utter dismay.

Well, I started this blog as a creative outlet. I used to write. I enjoyed it. I stopped for YEARS! I want to revisit writing and the enjoyment out of it I once experienced. This blog has no style and will most likely be all over the place until I figure out what I am doing. Mostly I am allowing my thoughts to travel through my fingertips into the key board. Hoping in the end that I have written something cohesive to the idea behind this adventure. Hats. Multitasking. Being which ever person called upon for or during a situation. 

Writing every 1 to 3 days. That's my goal. I struggle. I struggle with the notion that blogging is a waste of time? Am I neglecting my child? Could this time be put to better use? Does anyone really care what I have to say? Does it matter? I thought I was writing to revisit the enjoyment blah blah. Your words. I end up having a ridiculous argument with myself. I can't be quite stubborn! I never get to win!

Anyway. Point is I have a lot going on. My full-time job of being a wife and mother. Yes, it is a real job thank you very much! My part-time going on full-time job of being a Zumba® Fitness instructor. Personal Training on the side. The very FAR side! Last and could be least, this blog. How do I balance it all? How do other women in similar situations do it? Please share your secrets!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vitamin A

Vitamin A
Major functions are promote vision, both night and color. Promote growth. Prevent the drying of our skin and eyes. Promote resistance to bacterial infection and overall immune system function.
Dietary Sources are sweet potatoes, spinach, greens, carrots, cantaloupe, apricots, broccoli, fortified cereals, fortified milk, and liver.
Deficiency leads to night blindness, xerophthalmia, poor growth, and dry skin.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Vitamins are essential organic substances required in small amounts in our diet for normal function, growth, and maintenance of our body. Vitamin supplements are very popular, but not necessary if your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals. The best choice it always to eat a balanced diet, rather then relying on multivitamin supplements.