Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year 2014 Resolution Part 1

I have many resolutions for 2014. Among those are living "greener". Now the great thing about being "green" is that there's really not too much or too little that you could do. Something as simple as recycling every week helps protect our planet. The choice is yours. Doing your part, even though small, makes a difference. My resolution isn't just to be "green" in care of the earth, but also be "green" in care of my body and health, and that of my family.
I plan on bringing my family to the point where we eat only unprocessed, real food. This means cooking from scratch, perhaps some backyard gardening, and rebudgeting in order to afford eating and feeding my family real food.
I also plan to eliminate all cleaning supplies with harsh, toxic and dangerous chemicals. I have begun to look into companies such as Norwex (I have a friend who sells, so I know more about this particular one than I do others at this point) and other ones that lay claim to being clean and healthy. I am also going to be experimenting with simple homemade cleaning remedies to see what works.
Another facet of being "green" will be to avoid using non-recyclable and disposable products. I'm already almost exclusively cloth diapering and using cloth wipes. I'm using reusable baby/toddler food pouches, instead of purchasing them, and I'm slowly convincing my husband to use a reusable water bottle with a filter at work, home, and when out (gym, hiking, running errands, etc) to keep use from spending money on bottled water that would normally not go into recycling bins when out.
There are many more ways to be "greener" and save not only the planet but our bodies and health too. I have always had hippie/tree hugging tendencies,  along with feminist tendencies, as well as a love for technology, a mistrust of the pharmaceutical industry, a tendency to seek holistic or natural methods/cures for illness, and just an outright flare for the extreme, and balancing those in my life is difficult at times. I'm not a middle ground,  neutral girl. I either love radically and unconditionally, without logic, or I don't. I have common sense about a lot of things, but logic eludes me at times. There's a huge difference between the two.
Not being wasteful & disrespectful either with the planet or the body God gave us, just makes a whole lot of sense to me. I love fitness and living a healthy lifestyle because it makes sense to care for one's body. It's not about being a size zero to me, but about respecting and loving the body God gave me. I believe that gluttony and laziness are slapping God in the face. "Thanks, God for this body. Now watch me misuse and destroy it". Same goes for the earth. "Thank you for this beautiful planet with this perfect life-sustaining atmosphere, but I think I'll pollute the air, poison the waters, and use up all natural resources". This enrages me, but I digress...
Another way I plan on being "greener" is financially, but that's another post and falls under another resolution.
I think I might be biting off a lot with a new baby on the way, a toddler, a scarce/deployed husband, and being a WAHM...but I figure it's doable if I give myself the whole year to experiment and perfect. The year 2014 will be filled with triumphs & failures, mishaps & "wow! I can't believe that actually worked", crying fits of frustration & victory dances, giving up & starting over. I'm looking forward to all the adventures to be had by myself and my family as I take us into uncharted territory and new beginnings.  I'm sure I will have many headaches and moments that will test not only my patience, but also my resolve. But it will be fun...right?
Well, I'm ready. I think? Bring it on 2014...I got this!
Also, if anyone wants to join me (at whatever level of "green") I'd appreciate the support and accountability.  Also, you know what they say, "Misery loves company!" Errr I mean, "The more the merrier!" Just comment below that you'd like to join me and what your goals are! I'd love to hear them and you may have a goal/method I'd like to steal, I mean, add to my plan.
Thanks for reading what's floating around in my noggin!
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I Like Being Wrong

I actually like being wrong. I MOST OFTEN am wrong about A LOT of things. But if I wasn't making mistakes, I wouldn't learn and grow. I'm FAR FAR from perfect and I am RIDICULOUSLY HARD on myself! Drives my husband nuts. If I didn't want to constantly be improving myself as a person, mother, wife, christian, friend, stranger, etc... I would just be. To me that's not good enough. I still make NUMEROUS mistakes on a DAILY basis and that's okay. My family and friends show me exceptional grace and mercy EVERY DAY (of which I am EXTREMELY grateful...thank you)! I focus mainly on my flaws and where I need improvement. But I also have had to learn to let go of certain things and feeling. I can't always be in control. Somethings are beyond my grasp. And if it has to do with another human being, FORGET ABOUT IT! I can't  change them. Only me. I can ONLY CHANGE ME. GOD WILL CHANGE MY HEART. GOD WILL CHANGE THEIR HEARTS. BUT ONLY IF ALLOWED TOO!

So I continue to concentrate on me! Lydia can only improve Lydia! I want to be the best example I can for my beautiful daughters!

Found on Google images. I do not own this image. I just really like it.

Thanks for stopping by to read what's in my head!
Lydia - A Girl of Many Hats

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's been a while...

I have a lot planned and I've been working on a complete revamp and relaunch of my blog. I've been feeling aimlessly and without direction for months now. Things have been so difficult lately. Since moving to San Antonio, TX, I have been on a roller coaster of life experiences. Unexplained headaches, a planned and very much wanted pregnancy, family issues, taking on or being involved in too much at once with health issues looming overhead, moving into a new house, dealing with dishonest renters and trying to cover a mortgage in Florida, ending up in the hospital for 2 days with a preterm labor scare, and just feeling an overall sense of failure. It has been a tough 8 months! However, God is good! He carries us through even when we think we'll never make it. I've felt so lost for 8 months. I know others have it worse, but this is my struggle and it has been a learning experience for sure.

Things are starting to brighten! Since moving into our new house on base, I have not had one - NOT one! - of those terrible headaches that I had been dealing with for 6 months. My husband has been amazing beyond words and has stuck with me through some tough family issues - I'm so thankful for him! Slowly but surely things are looking better and better for us.

With prayer and time things work out. Sometimes it takes longer than we would like BUT things will work out. God promises to see us through. I believe that promise. Christmas is all about a promise. A great gift was given to us. A promise was made. Dispite rough times and discouraging situations, you can find comfort at Christmas. You may not have money or tons of gifts under the tree. You may be alone or deployed. But one thing remains true...we have a Savior who came to earth, suffered and was tempted, and then died for our sins because of an unfathomable and unconditional love for us! We can rejoice. We can rest assured that all things are temporary on this earth, even the most terrible and heartbreaking situations will pass!

I am blessed with
• a godly and wonderful husband
• a beautiful, healthy, and intelligent daughter
• a new baby girl who I will get to meet in 37 days (give or take)
• an amazing church family
• a wonderful and loving family
• new and old friends
The blessings are endless. I just need to remember that I am truly blessed and trials are but fleeting.

If you are going through a rough time this Christmas, please feel free to share with me so I can add you to my prayer list. I, also, want to encourage you to keep your head up and things will get better.

Here is one of my favorite passages of Scripture:
Psalm 121 (KJV)
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."

Merry Christmas to you and yours!
God bless :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

31 Day of Eating Home Cooked Meals: Week 2 Update and Dinner Menu

I'm a little behind in posting and I already confessed that with the whole house being sick, we have stumble a bit. I swear, every time I set a goal and begin to work hard for it some obstacle appears. But that's life, right! There will always be roadblocks, detours, obstacles, etc... but what's a challenge without a little adversary? Makes you appreciate what you're fighting for that much more!

This week we are still eating leftovers for the most part. I have another menu, thanks to my friend at The Fresh Kitchen, that I need to buy ingredients for. She has been wonderful and VERY helpful. I have learned so much! I have even started to experiment on my own. However, I still seek her advise and well, basically, her approval! She's like my cooking crutch right now. Soon I'll be skilled enough to 'fly' on my own.

This week I may revisit the recipes from last week that were instant winners with my family. Until I am healthy and my family is healthy I may not try as many new things. I feel rundown and it doesn't help to have a new puppy, be preggers, and be hounded by a sick, clingy toddler. Oh an a sick husband. Sometimes I could just lock myself in a closet and hide for a good while. Or run off to a deserted island for a few days. Oh, that would be nice. Wait this turned into a complaining session....BACK TO FOOD!

The recipes I am looking forward to repeating are:

The recipes I will be trying this week are:

I have only to find the ever so elusive celery root! I have been to 3 stores. Tomorrow I hope to shop for all the items needed for the new recipes and start that night. 

Here is my experiment .. Day 9 Lunch: quinoa with roasted sweet potatoes, sautéed onions, garlic, and apples, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and topped with a fried egg. I seasoned with salt and pepper. It's good, but I feel it's missing something... on a side note it was my first time cooking quinoa and it cooked perfectly.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Getting Our Toddler to Sleep in Her Own Bed - Our Latest Adventure...Err Nightmare

So, My husband finally decided he wanted the baby (19 months old) to sleep in her own room. I guess he got tired of her being up until we went to bed and not getting to watch a movie with me or play a video game. I am indifferent to the matter because I HAVE to be able to accomplish all things I need to do during the day while she's awake. The things I want to do...well, I make it work.

My husband is a good daddy. But for most working dads coming home and not being able to do what you want or need can be frustrating...I guess. I wouldn't know. I am supportive in his decision, BUT I'm not doing it. I am not fighting with her or doing the night time routine. He will. He wants this, then he needs to work for it. I know...I'm just awful. Whatever.

I come from a childhood where my father did more then your typical father does. He was and still is amazing. I don't expect my husband to fill my father's shoes, BUT I did not make this baby alone or this mess on my own. I suggested months ago she sleep in her own bed and he said he couldn't stand not to sleep with her. Therefore, I don't think I should do it alone or at all for that matter. I will not hold his hand or micromanage him. He is capable of figuring something out. Also, I am not a rescuer. I feel that I would only add to the problem and she may think I am there to "rescue" her. In short the man is on his own. Muahahaha!

Here's the routine my husband has created with our daughter:

Bathtime and brush teeth
Bible Story
Bedtime snack
(I don't overfeed at meals & I don't tell her no when she expresses hunger)
Bedtime at 8:00pm

Tonight was our first night truly attempting this great feat. Eric wrestled with her about 30 minutes until she finally succumbed to sleep. What he did in that room was trying to figure out a method. He told me he tried making her lay down and when that didn't work he put on her show and held her until she calmed down. She began to nod off and her sat down on her bed with her still in his arms. Shen she was finally out he laid her down and walked out. Was this the "right" way? Who cares. We don't. I am very proud of him. Parenthood is a learning process. He's got to feel his way through and figure out what works for him and his daughter.

He is going to miss this...and so will I.
I think I'm going to enjoy being completely alone, except for the little one bouncing around inside of me, for 30 minutes a night! Well, this is one night down. I wonder how long it will take and how long or if it keeps. We are suckers for our princess.

Thank you for reading,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sick Household and 31 Days of Eating at Home Update

Something must be going around. I have a sick household. Our daughter seems to be feeling much better. My husband, on the other hand, has just started his bout of ickiness. I'm on my second week. I think mine is a sinus infection. My head is throbbing and I feel pressure behind my eyes. I'm just miserable. Despite how awful I'm feeling I've been able to keep up with our eating at home challenge. Well, almost. I couldn't muster up the will or energy to cook last night so my husband took us to Cheddar's. I know! I know! I feel so ashamed.

Except for last night's small blunder, we have been able to eat all other meals at home this week. Tonight will be no exception. Coconut Red Lentil Soup is on the menu for tonight. Looking forward to it. Even with my husband's unpredictable work responsibilities, he has been dedicated to our challenge and not bought any food for lunch. He has been able to come home every day for lunch. This week may not go so well but we are determined to continue eating home cooked meals and not spend money dinning out or in.

I'm still doing what I can to keep us as unprocessed this month. Because it was a last minute decision, I did not plan well; therefore we've been eating some processed food items. But this is a great motivator and I'm learning as we go. I've been doing lots of research and finding new ways to substitute processed items that have become key in everyday life. Eric really likes the idea of being completely unprocessed by the new year. He's been very supportive and even eating new things. My husband is very, very picky. It's quite a change from before. I have tried on many occasions to change our eating habits, but had received such resistance that I'd be discouraged.  I believe that this time around he truly understands the damage processed foods will have on our children. Food companies are getting worse.  Ingredients are becoming more and more man made. Another scary monster out there is GMO. I would love to get my hands on cookbooks from before the 40s.

Well, I can't think straight anymore, so I'm going to try and nap with my toddler. With any luck I'll be able to update in more details. I have some recipes to share.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Me Trying to Figure Out...Me

I mentioned earlier that I am trying to accomplish too many things. My guidelines are very strict and narrow. Instead of starting out slow and easy, I made it difficult. I took it upon myself to not only change my family from dining out/in to home-cooked meals, but to also do away with all processed foods and eat only REAL food. I put an immense amount of pressure on myself with our proper planing or prepping. I became overwhelmed and discouraged almost immediately. I gave up before I started, but I'm hardheaded and stubborn and refused to accept utter defeat. I kept trying. The more I tried without a plan or some direction I became frustrated and angry. Why can't I do this? It's not difficult. I'm not the best cook in the world, but I can cook...some. I started to pick apart everything about myself being a domesticated individual. I compared myself to my sisters, all of whom are excellent and skilled cooks. All three of my sisters are capable of raising children, keeping a clean house, making delicious meals, and other activities outside the home.

Here's their breakdown:
  • The oldest sister is married, has 1 toddler, and goes to school
  • The second oldest sister is married, has 1 kid which she homeschools, was very active in her church ministries and was a key spouse for over a year
  • Then there's me...
  • The youngest sister is married, has 2 kids under the age of 5, makes and sells jewelry, and is an active Zumba Fitness instructor
They are all busy and still capable of running a household what's my problem? I wish I knew. I know that organization is not a strong characteristic of mine. I'll write 5 lists a day and misplace them. I wake up eager and ready to be productive, but somehow plans fall through for me. I used to be so ashamed that I just couldn't be like my sisters. But now, I'm just trying to figure out how not to be me. I don't mean that in a derogatory way toward myself. I only mean that I'm trying to break the cycle I seem to be stuck in.

I took a personality and a spiritual gifts assessment and I have learned a few things about myself that may help me break this cycle. The personality test said that I was a high blue personality with some orange and green traits, but VERY low gold characteristics. According to this test, blues are feelers. Blues can be as extreme as a "bleeding-heart", I am not a bleeding-heart. I hide a lot under a tough skin, but underneath I'm all mush. Only person who truly knows me is my husband. He took the test and declared that I was a blue months before I ever took the test myself. Blues feel for others and are always considering the others feelings before their own. They only think of helping others. I do this a lot. We're having a gender reveal party for our second child and I have changed the date twice to not inconvenience others. I got things going to finally get a Key Spouse program for our new unit and to make sure not to offend or hurt anyone's feelings, I made sure the other lady interested was also involved. I allowed my husband to bring home an 8 week chihuahua, even though we have a toddler, I am 5 months pregnant, and I will be it's primary caregiver because I couldn't stand to see him sad about not getting a dog. In conclusion, a blue personality puts the feelings and desires of others before their own, even if sometimes it ends up inconveniencing the blue. That's me! I've given away Zumba® Fitness services because someone couldn't afford it and I couldn't stand to have them miss out on the benefits. I could seriously go on forever. Orange is a risk taker; whether in adventure, relationship, or business. An entrepreneur and free thinker. Green is all facts and no emotion. They are scientific and skeptical. They don't take things at face-value. They do their own research to confirm truth and validity. Gold. Oh gold. Gold's are the party-planners. They are organized. They tend to think they are in charge of projects. They plan, prepare, and think things through. I am SO not a gold!! It is my polar opposite! 

The spiritual gifts assessment pegged me as a servant, caregiver, and teacher. They serve and give to a fault. They want to help others. They are always looking for a way to serve. I believe that I chose the fitness and health industry as my focus because I want to help others. I have a heart for women. I like working with both genders, BUT I really LOVE working with women. I want every female I meet to live a healthy life! It's not about outside looks. It's about what's going on inside the body that is truly important. I love working in my church. I miss working on the mission field with my parents. If I'm not helping or serving others I feel lost. Incomplete. Teaching others about God or health and fitness are passions for me. I chose to be a Mary Kay consultant because I believe that I can help change women's lives! It's not all about the makeup - even though that's fun. It's about taking care of yourself. God gave us one body. Proper skincare or health practices are important.

Well, I'm still learning my strengths and weaknesses and how to maximize or minimize them. I'm nearly 30 and I still have so much to learn. I started this blog as an outlet for all my thoughts. I struggle with organization and direction. I am passionate about so many things and I want to do them all. I wear these hats every day, but I still need to work on wearing them well. I try not to compare myself to others, although it does happen. One day at a time. One hat at a time. 

So my journey continues...

Eating at Home Week 1 Update


For three days ALL meals have been at home. I know it's only three days in, how hard can that be?? VERY HARD for us. Especially my husband who's  work days are unpredictable and mainly because he refuses to take a packed lunch. However, we are striving not to veer or give in to temptation. I've had a couple hiccups like forgetting to buy an ingredient so I had to switch day 2 dinner with day 3 dinner. But I'm flexible and determined to not let my pregger brain be an excuse to dine out!

Came in kinda last minute but I joined the October Unprocessed Challenge.

We still have some processed food in the house, unfortunately, BUT I'm getting us there! My biggest roadblock is my dear sweet husband. He is supportive in my endeavor to make our family the healthiest we can possibly be, but these things take time. Baby steps for my love. I know we will get there soon. My ultimate goal is to be completely unprocessed by January 2014. I think it's quite doable!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days of Eating Home Cooked Meals: Week 1 Dinner Menu

Tonight is the eve of eating whatever is left in the pantry that's processed or that I may not buy again, so enjoy it. Tomorrow is October 1st the start of a new era in the Pangburn household. I guess it's weird to start on a Tuesday, but it is technically the first of the month. I'm excited to see how it all turns out.

I'm starting with one week. Just get through this week and the possibilities are limitless, I tell myself over and over again. My friend Nicole, at The Fresh Kitchen, has given my a dinner meal plan for this week. It is simple and fresh. I can't get it wrong! Breakfasts will consist of fruit, oats, and eggs. Lunches will be leftover pork loin in the freezer, that I had cut and divided into portions and what veggies I had that her meal plan did not call for.

Tuesday - Roasted Chicken with Root Vegetables

Wednesday - Tuna Pasta and Roasted Broccoli

Thursday - Spanish Tortilla and a Side Salad

Friday - Curried Coconut Tomato Soup and a Side Salad

Saturday - Leftovers

Sunday - Coconut Red Lentil Soup

I'm looking forward to each one of these meals. Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning. Feel free to try out these recipes and let me know how they turn out.

Tonight it's all about processed foods and chilling while we watch Criminal Minds. We have a slight obsession with this show. I had a box of  Blueberry Struesel Muffin Mix and they will go great with a cup of coffee and an episode of Criminal Minds.

I am going to update Facebook daily on my progress. I'll come in at the beginning and the end of each week with a blog post on my success or failure. Super excited for this new adventure into the domestic domain.

3rd times a charm, right?

I sure hope so. I have tried twice to do a whole month, roughly 30-31 days of eating only home cooked meals. I started with a bang September 1st but couldn't get through the week without picking up some take out. So around 9 days in I decided to start over! Also, a huge failure on my part. I kept it going for nearly another week before succumbing to dining out/in. I am determined to do this, but I have to many guidelines. A friend of mine at 2 Kids on a Couch started the challenge for herself and her family. I though it was a great idea so I told her I would do it as well. She was very successful and has a great system. You can read all about at her blog. I on the other hand had NO system. NO plan. So disaster was inevitable.

I have a plan this time. With the help of a friend from college, at The Fresh Kitchen, I have a plan. I'll touch more in detail on how awesome she is later. This month of October will be about learning to cook easy, basic meals with fresh ingredients. I need to learn the basics.

I would love to hear your thoughts on eating at home and how you do it. I would like to hear from you if you struggle with it as well. I like to know I'm not alone. Please join the challenge. 2 Kids on a Couch is going into her second month, strong! My friend at The Fresh Kitchen, joined the challenge in September and kept to it! She didn't blog about it, but she did. Check out her blog, she has some amazing recipes up there. I think another friend from college is joining the challenge too. Her blog is My Life: A Work In Progress. Check her out. She does reviews and giveaways. Her blog is always a good read.

Well, here we go again!

Monday, September 23, 2013

EOHM Update: It's only been TWO weeks?

So I just realized that it's only been two weeks since we started over and we've done horribly. I need to learn to cook Mexican food because it is my husband's and my weakness. It's been 14 days and we've dined out at least 4-5 times. What is wrong with us?! I'm trying to figure out why this is so hard for us. I have had a few bad days due to health issues, but I don't think we are truly committed. We need to try and finish our the next 16 days without dining out or ordering out. On days that I do cook every single meal, we feel so accomplished. I keep telling myself that if I were only feeling better this would be a problem, but the truth is there will always be that next obstacle! There will always be a reason to falter. Well, I really want to stick to this challenge.

I do think that poor planning on my part is the main reason I haven't followed through. Half the time I shop without a plan. I go down every isle in the grocery store with out direction or purpose. I think I should plan my meals way in advanced and only buy for the meals. I need to come up with a game plan. I need a definite menu plan for 6-7 meals a day. Breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and right before bed snack. My husband is trying to put on muscle and I'm eating for two. My daughter is just always hungry. I have 7 days left in this month to plan properly and execute said plan. I'm going to research recipes and techniques for making meals ahead.

I can do this. You know what they say... "try, try again". Well, this will be my third attempt. If anyone has any advise or ideas...PLEASE send them my way. If you would like to start with me in October let me know. I think I'll make guidelines for myself. I'll think of them and post them tomorrow.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Starting Over #EOHM

So I decided to start over. Last week was tough. We dined out 3 times! Awful. Just awful. Since September is shot, we decided to revisit the challenge with a slight change. Instead of eating only homemade meals for the month of September, we decided that we would only eat homemade meals for 30 days, starting with today. I fail a lot. I make promises I can't or don't keep. I disappoint myself and others often, but there's always grace. I pick myself up and try again. So, here's another chance to try again. The first attempt I put too much pressure on myself to get it right the first time. Be perfect, I told myself. This time I'm taking it easy and going simple. No complicated menus. If we eat the samething every day so be it. Oatmeal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and chicken and rice for dinner every single day will be boring, but it's a start.

I would like to invite you, my readers, to join me. I like accountability and the more the merrier! I will instagram all meals and snacks using hashtag #EOHM to help me stay accountable. You can LIKE my FB page A Girl Of Many Hats for daily updates. I will update the blog once a week with a recount of that week's triumphs and failures.

Let the challenge begin! Again!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

EOHM Day 3

Today was a near success.

My super quick & simple take on Mediterranean burritos & rolled oats. I scrambled eggs with a little butter, onions, red & green bell peppers, & tomatoes. I filled the best flour tortillas from HEB with the scrambled eggs and topped with feta cheese. Other then the butter, cheese, & veggies, I did not season the eggs. The rolled oats were doctored only with a bit of brown sugar.

For my daughter and I, lunch consisted of an assortment of fruits, veggies, & spreads.
• Greek yogurt
• Grapes
• Cucumbers
• Apples & peanut butter
• Leftovers from the night before
My husband was unable to stick to the pact for lunch today due to an unavoidable situation at work so he ate fast food.
**I forgot to take a picture of lunch

Midday Snack:
Flour tortilla with feta and avocado

I'm very proud of dinner tonight! We had grilled pork chops, steamed green beans, & baked sweet potatoes. The pork & beans were not seasoned. The sweet potatoes had a tiny bit of butter & brown sugar.

All in all I'm happy with the outcome of the day & can't wait to do better tomorrow. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Eating Only Homemade Meals All of September!


So a friend of mine on Facebook stated that her and her family had made the commitment to not dine out or order in for the whole month of September. I thought, "What a great idea!". So after talking it over with my husband we too made a commitment to each other to do the same. As an accountability measure I decided that I would blog about it. I have a lot going on right now; doctor appointments, I'm starting a new and FREE Zumba Fitness class at our church, I'm pregnant, I'm working toward becoming a sales director in my Mary Kay business, a vendor fair that I'm helping organize, and I'm in charge or participating in several ministries/events at our church. As usual I have too much on my plate, by my own choice, and need a way to stay accountable.

This is really what this blog is all about, my struggles and victories of being a Girl of Many Hats. So, y'all help me be accountable, please!

Day One
Major FAIL. We decided to do this the night before and hadn't gone grocery shopping. The first of September was a Sunday, which is our busy day of the week. I luckily had food for breakfast, but had to buy lunch and dinner because we had to hit three different stores to purchase food for the next couple of weeks. We only had enough time to drop of the groceries at home before heading right back to church for choir practice and evening service. So Sunday was our mulligan. Our only mulligan. No more.

Day Two
Success! All three meals and snacks were homemade. We had to go to the Kia dealership to have the oil changed in the car, so I packed drinks and snacks so we wouldn't be tempted to hit up a vending machine or fast food window!

I'm looking forward to the next 28 days.

Good night!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Elora Danan's Language Skills at 16 Months

Elora Danan is a smart little girl. I know I'm bias because I'm her mom; however I'm still convinced I have a very bright munckin. There are a few words she can say clearly and be understood by everyone else and not just me. She also has 3 'sentences' that she uses correctly.

Here are her words:
• Mama
• Daddy
• Hi
• Bye
• Go
• Up
• Please
• Pretty
• Bubbles
• Outside
• Nose

Here are her 3 'sentences':
• Thank You
• Brush Teeth
• Right There

I hope I didn't forget any. I'd say that presently at 16 months, Elora Danan has a 15 to 18 word vocabulary which she uses correctly. The rest of it is giberrish as she experiments with constructing sentences and the give and take of conversation. All in all I'm super proud and excited for the next few months as she begins to learn more words and will be able to hold a conversation with me.

Side note:
For words she cannot say she communicates via signing.

Words she signs:
• More (correctly signed)
• All Gone or Done (made up our own. She didn't take to the correct signing)
• Yes (nods her head)
• No (shakes her head)

That's all I can think of right now. I'm no expert in child development and I'm a first time mom, but I personally think Elora Danan is right on track or possibly advanced.  Either way it doesn't matter.  She's bright, happy, healthy, and for lack of a better word, perfect. I love her like crazy.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Preggo clothes for the vertically challenged much needed.

Shopping for petite maternity clothes is frustrating! Just because I'm preggers doesn't mean I don't want to look put together.

During my first pregnancy my dear sister sent me her maternity clothes. As appreciative as I was, I was also frustrated because I couldn't wear any till I was about 8 months.  I spent most of the time with my regular pants unbuttoned and unzipped held up by a hair tie I looped through the button hole.

Mostly all lines of maternity tops start at small regular. I am petite. I am 4'11" and clothes made for the average woman (5'4"-5'5") never fit correctly. The problems I'm running into are that the shoulders are too wide, the torso is too long, sleeves are too long, and bust is too big. Sleeveless tops are another beast because the armholes are to big and expose my bra.

Pants/shorts. Crotch is too long and leg length of course is too long. The seat of the pants/shorts are to big and appear saggy.

Dresses and skirts. The top part of the dress have to same ill fitting issues as tops and blouses. The bottom of the dress and skirts share the same difficulties for me. The length (whether it be mini or maxi) is always too long and the waist never sits in the right place.

Aside from only being able to find one or two petite sized maternity clothes the smallest size is 'small'. Maternity apparel is designed to mirror your pregnancy size. If you are a size medium before getting pregnant then your maternity size is also medium. Simple, right? Well, I can't find my size in mommy-to-be wear.

Rawr rawr rawr!

I continue to search online and local stores. If anyone knows where I can find some for a reasonable price I'd appreciate you dropping me a note. Most times specialty sized clothing is crazy expensive.

Okay, end rant. Thanks for Have a lovely night and a safe holiday weekend.

Thursday, July 4, 2013



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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Use Code ZWL84...for great savings!!

Another FLASH SALE!!!
Up to 60% off Zumbawear® at and you can get an additional 10% off with Promo Code ZWL84....that's up to 70% off of the hottest Zumbawear®!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Life Changer :)

Soon we will be welcoming Baby Pang #2 into the world!!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mother's Day Threads :)

I dressed for Mother's Day. Not dressed up. I got dressed. Most days I wear lounging clothes. I figured I'd shower and get dressed for my 2nd Mother's Day.


P.S. Look at my biceps! I've been working on my muscle definition.

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Spidey Sense is Tingling!

Today I actually got up at a decent time, because someone let me sleep through the night. Thank you, sweet child! I even showered, put on a little make up, and dressed in a cute outfit.  I fed Little Bits breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher, straightened the living room, and got my toddler to take a nap (for 2 whole hours). I was feeling quite accomplished. Almost like a real mother and housewife...yay. I decided to take a little break and reward myself with my first cup of coffee and breakfast before tackling laundry next. I start prepping our Keurig and suddenly I get the notion to go into the garage. Boy, am I glad...I would have never gone into the garage today if it hadn't been for my Spidey Sense. I'm a huge Spiderman fan.

WATER everywhere! There was a leak. I don't know where the water was coming from, but I had to quickly attempt to rescue our belongs from further water damage. The bulk of the damage was focused on the box containing Eric's military awards, certificates, etc! I began emptying boxes and laying out documents and certificates to dry. Eric's childhood artwork and awards for Boy Scouts were also damaged. It was so sad. I know that they are just possessions, but Eric was saving them to share with our children and grandchildren.

Eric came home for lunch and helped me with the other boxes that were to heavy for me to move. He called maintenance and they came out immediately. They found the cause of the problem. The hose on our washer wasn't tightened enough and had slowly been dripping into the wall. This should not have been a problem because the draining pipe should have been moving the water out. The maintenance man said that they will be back on Monday to break through the wall and find the leak in the pipe!

Looks like this weekend will be spent unpacking the rest of our belongings and trying to find a place for them all. Fun. I am glad though. I've been trying to do this on my own and I haven't gotten much of anywhere. Now Eric will be more eager to help me on his days off so we can get it done and I can finally start keeping house better. Here's a picture of some items ruined by the water.

Under construction...the blog & me...I guess....

SO this blog is still under construction. I'm not trying to find myself because I don't know who Lydia is. I mean more to the fact that on a daily basis I am trying to accomplish many different tasks that begin to affect who I am. Does that make sense? I'm just trying to find balance as a wife, mother, career/self-employed woman, and child of God. Not to mention just being me as an individual. I want to excel in every aspect of my life. I know that it's not possible to be perfect, but I sure am going to try to get close to it. Should we all strive to be the very best that we can? I believe that everything I do I should do it to the best of my ability as if I was doing it for the Lord. (Colossians 3:23-24KJV) No half-ways or cutting corners. That's what I'm trying to figure out. How to do all this and not screw up to terribly. It will be interesting.

How about you? Do you struggle with keeping balance in all the facets of your life? Am I the only one who struggles on a daily basis and almost always fails in one area? Or am I really just that unorganized and terrible with time management?


Fortune I got from Panda Express a while back...struck a cord so I snapped a picture of it. My Google+ account is riddled with such pictures of randoms items that strike a cord with me. Eric teases me about take a picture of EVERYTHING, but you never know and it is saved straight to my Google+ private album so why not. I may need to reference later. And it's not like I'm print off hundreds of dollars in film.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Goodbye Florida, Hello Texas. (Part 2)

We made it into Foley, Alabama around midnight. We were exhausted. Sticks wasn't. She had slept most of the drive. We stayed at a hotel near the Tanger Outlets. For the life of me I can't remember the name of it right now. Anyway, we and checked in, set up the pack-n-play, and got ready for bed. We were so ready to sleep; however, someone was wide awake and ready to PLAY! Needless to say it was a very long night.
Because Elora kept us up all night we decided to sleep in till 7:30AM. We showered and headed down for breakfast. It was a free continental breakfast and we were satisfied. Elora Danan enjoyed a Little Cuties with her Papi and they had a sweet moment where she held his hand for a while. She likes to hand feed me...everything! She has a crumb in her hand that she was adamant that I eat. I can't take it from her with my She likes to place the food item in my mouth. She is a caregiver and very sharing.

After breakfast we packed up and took time to brush our teeth! Sticks loves to brush her teeth. She's getting better at it everyday. I like these pictures because she's mimicking Eric. We make dental hygiene a priority and a family event. 

Eric began to loaded up the car for the long drive to Texas and someone got very busy ripping up tissues.  She was having a great time and I get a kick out of her "Who me?" look when I got on to her. Before leaving I picked up every last shredded piece of tissue.

 Lambert's Cafe didn't open till 10:30AM so we decided to walk around the Tanger Outlet Mall. We stopped in at Clark's and Elora passed out. She laid there the whole time. Does she look comfortable to you? Silly kid.

I really enjoyed eating at Lambert's Cafe! I love it there. I love the rolls and the Southern Style cooking. The atmosphere is relaxed and fun. Elora really like her meal or fried catfish, white beans and ham, and beets. She really like the beets. Eric and I couldn't get enough of the fried okra! YUM 

Here is a picture of the whole trip. Long trip. I'm glad we broke it up in 2 days and took our time. I'm not looking forward to another long road-trip for at least a couple months from now.

 After we ate we let Sticks play on the wooden train right outside the restaurant. She had fun.

One of the waiters gave Elora a balloon. She played with it for the rest of the trip, when she wasn't sleeping or watching Pocoyo. After a great meal, nice and full, we headed out on the road again. Seven hours to go to his parents house.

We later stopped at an Applebee's for dinner...3 hours to go. The baby enjoyed so yummy lime wedges. We needed this stop. We were both so exhausted.

It was a long 3 hours. Eric and I both struggled to stay awake and had to switch off often. I could not stay awake any longer so Eric took over and got us there safely. We arrived around 1:15AM. Said hi to his parents and then crashed on the guest bed.

Please Bare With Me!!

Hey guys,

Please bare with me as I get caught up. I have alot of unfinished posts and I just haven't had the time to sit down and really work on them. I have about 7-9 posts that are nearly done and should have been posted over the last month.

Quick update: Things here are good. Still trying to unpack. I will be attempting to make new friends...I have a playdate to tomorrow for Elora Danan. I have never met them. We became "friends" on Facebook through a Lackland AFB Spouses group I joined. I still need to make it over to my neighbor's house. I really suck at the social part of life.

I had a sorta interview to teach Zumba® Fitness at a studio. It went well. The owner said they loved me and my style and would love to have me... I'm hesitant...not because of them. They are GREAT!!! It more a personal issue...well, because I'm a scaredy cat. More on that later!

I'm baking again. I'm gonna try to keep it up this time!

Oh, and I started up my Mary Kay business again! I'm looking for new customers and I am excited to expand that business! Hit me up at

That's it for now...I'm going to work on some of the other posts now. Hopefully have some completed and up by Saturday!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Goodbye Florida, Hello Texas. (Part 1)

What an interesting cross-country road trip.  I'm so glad it's over and we are finally here in San Antonio, Texas! The last two weeks were kinda rough for me. I said goodbye to our home of seven years. Besides Honduras that is the longest I have ever lived in one place. I can't honestly say that I enjoyed living in the Tampa Bay Area. However, I had formed a life there. Started a career. Brought my baby into the world there. This house is where I found out I was pregnant. Where Sticks took her first steps and said her first words. It was our home. It was familiar. By no means our dream home, but it was ours!

We started our sojourn around 2:00PM. I know that's late but we had promised a friend's daughter that we would not leave until school was let out so she could say goodbye. IT was an emotional farewell for me. I had come to truly love this family. Mrs. G and I had become close friends. It had been so long since I had enjoyed a true friendship. The Gs would do anything for you. They are wonderful, God-fearing people. They impacted my life for the better. There were many night's when Hubs was gone that Sticks and I would spend the night at their house. Oh boy, do I appreciate them!!

After saying our farewells, we started our eighteen hour drive. We had decided prior that we would take our time and take two-three days if needed.  We had planned to make two stops along the way. The first would be the Butterfly Rainforest in Gainseville, Florida and the second would be to have lunch at Lambert's Cafe in Foley, Alabama. 

I absolutely adore butterflies. They are one of my favorite creations. God has the best imagination to create thousands of different types! Eric took me for our seven year anniversary back in January 2012. I was eight months pregnant. You can read all about it here The Next day: The Gainesville Getaway. I just had to share their splendor with my daughter. She had a great time. She "oohed" and "awed" as they fluttered around her head. 

We got there ten minutes before they closed the exhibit for the day. We almost didn't get in, but we told them we were on our way out of Florida & this may be the only time Sticks would get to see the butterflies. So for the second time they let us in for free! Everything is better when its free! Don't you think? Oh wait! It did cost us five quarters. The meter would only allow us fifteen minutes (one quarter), because the museum was closing. However, it took me four more quarters to figure that out! 

The visit was short - about five minutes. Plenty of time. We got back on the road and began making as much headway as possible. We made a wrong turn and ended up near Valdosta, Georgia before we realized it. Thirty minutes later we were back on track. 
Look at those beautiful eyes! Sticks does really well holding the food pouches without squeezing them and making a mess. She is only thirteen months so she still makes messes sometimes. She also really enjoys eating the creamies. (I really like them because they are dairy free)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Great Church Hunt

Here we go. The great church hunt has begun. We had a wonderful home church in Riverview Florida! First Baptist Church of Riverview was a great church to call home. We were very happy with the nursery & the other ministries. I wouldn't say that finding a new church is hard but it can be taxing. New church every week. Sometimes you are able to attend the same church twice. That's always nice.

Our criteria for a new home church is as follows:
• The teaching must be biblical!
• Methodology can be less conservative (meaning that not every song needs to be a hymn, but we don't want to be at a rock concert either)
• Good Children's ministry. I want to feel comfortable dropping off Elora Danan in the care of basically strangers!

San Antonio is a huge city. There will be a plethora of churches to choose from. I hope it doesn't take months to find a church home.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

We're Moving!!

We are moving. April 1st we are PCSing from Tampa, Florida to San Antonio, Texas. We will be moving to Lackland AFB. We are looking forward to this move we have grown tired of Tampa Bay.  A new place. A new beginning. We like that idea.

During the next month I will be absent from the blogging world. I will update as soon as possible.

Later alligator!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Conflict of the Hats...

Tonight was one of those nights where I felt so lost. Elora was doing just fine and dandy on our way to teach my ZUMBA class. When I arrived at the clubhouse, I parked the car and proceeded to unload. Just as I begin to unfasten Elora from the carseat she has this...explosive, exorcist sit-up...hat just won't stop. It was all down the front of her. It was on the carseat straps, buckles. It had seeped down into the cover and began dripping on to the mat thingy that protected the back seat from the carseat. I stood there for a moment trying to decide whether or not to cancel class. I knew I had new students and I didn't want to disappoint of leave a poor impression. A flaky impression. So I called a friend and asked her opinion. She gave me good advise and I then called another friend whom I knew would be on her way to class. This friend, I asked her to bring me a couple towels to sop up the mess and dry off the Zumba Baby.

I waited there by the car, waiting for the towels to arrive. I began to think about how it sucks that I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Here I am, trying to help and encourage other women to be fit and healthy, but also trying to be a good mother. What was the right choice. Cancelling the class and taking Elora Danan home? Staying to teach while hoping that she won't do that again in her pack'n'play? I took my friend's (a seasoned mother of 3) advise to stay and teach, but just to let them know that if it happens again I will have to cut the class short and I could credit them home the class. I know that I am a GREAT mother...but...I still have this fear that others will judge me an unfit mother for choosing to stay and teach. sigh.

I take my job seriously. I don't teach my Zumba Fitness classes for me, you know. I don't like crowds. I don't like being in front of folks. It scares the living hez out of me. Every class I am freaking out on the inside as I take the 'stage' and begin teaching. Even after 3 years! No, this is not for me. I believe deep in my heart that these women are special. That they deserve to be encouraged and helped. I care whether or not they attend a class... not for monetary reasons, but because I want to make sure that they never give up on their goals. That they never give up on themselves!

I'm sure someone out there is thinking...nanny, babysitter, daycare. No. No! I am her caregiver. However, I appreciate and am EXTREMELY grateful for all help that is given me and I love my 'village' that helps me. My baby stays with me.

Golly, I really gotta get something to eat and then go to sleep...

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year Resolution #2

Taking care of myself. Too often I put myself on the back burner. Aside from working out (its my job), I don't take care of myself. I put everything and everyone else before me. That's all fine and dandy, but there needs to be a balance. This year I have decided to start taking care of Lydia. Whether it's as elaborate as going for a mani/pedi or as simple as brushing my hair. This ties in with Resolution #1. I want to be a good example to Elora Danan. I want her to grow up understanding that she is valuable and special. It's important to consider oneself. If she sees mommy wearing the clothes she slept in and unwashed hair to the market to buy veggies, she will learn that this is acceptable. personal hygiene is not an option or choice. And one should not wear jammies to the store. So lazy!

I was never one to spend anytime on myself, but as I get older I'm beginning to actually like the way I look. I never gave it a thought before and MAN did it ever show. I'll dig up some pictures for a later entry. I'm nearing the big 30 and I'm not a little girl anymore. I may be at heart, but that's completely different. So Starting this year, whether I leave the house or not, I will shower and get ready for the day. Meaning, I will get dressed, brush my hair, and at least moisturize my face. Oh, and accessorize slightly.

Here's how I look today. This is my easy-running-errands-mommy-look. I'm wearing LOFT jeans, LOFT Booties, Basic V-neck Tee (I don't remember and there's no tag. lol), braided rope belt from Target, and Skrym earrings