This is Elora's and my second week going to an Infant Massage class on base. It's a free class - I'm all about the free! I'm not too sure Elora is very interested right now. Both times she wiggled all over the place. I spent more time trying to get her back on her back instead of listening to the instructor and practicing on my baby. I'm glad they gave us handouts on the different techniques and what not. The point of these classes is not so much to learn to massage my 6 month old but more so to socialize my infant and get the heck out of the house. I am so content to stay home alone with my precious baby everyday. However, being a recluse is probably not the best way to help Elora become socially apt. My hope is that Elora will begin to like it and stay still one day. Right now she is in her exploration stage, because she is finally able to move about on her own.
I guess I should probably talk about the benefits of Infant Massage, blah blah blah...but that requires research and I'm out of time right now. I'll follow up later on the subject. I gotta go to St. Pete for a BBQ at one of Eric's co-worker's house. I have to put on my try-not-to-be-so-darn-weird-and-geeky hat. I have a baby now so I really gotta talk to the females. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before...Females make me uncomfortable. I never know what to talk about. I don't enjoy most of the topics they chose. BUT I have a kid now, so I'm expected to be all motherly and talk about stuff. I feel that it ends up being a competition. Well, my baby is only 8 months and she does this. But my baby is better, because it spits up all the time. Well, yours isn't nearly as advanced as mine, because my child does this or the other.
I'm going to be standing there quietly thinking about Dark Siders II and how I can't wait to get home to play. There's also a Zumba Core Demo I downloaded and want to try it out. Skyrim...I haven't played in forever. I need to test out the dragon shouts using the Kinect. I'm still kinda sore that tomorrow is Hobbit Day and no one wanted to have a Hobbit Day Party with me. I'm still gonna dress Elora up as a baby Hobbit and take pictures...OH SHE'LL LOOK SO DARN CUTE!!! Maybe Eric will let me get away with it. I doubt it though. He's such a party pooper.
*Sorry for grammatical errors and what not. Typing with a baby in your lap who is so eager to help you by slapping at random keys can make blogging quite a challenge. I do try to use spell check and read before posting. I still miss things though.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Infant Massage...hmm
Monday, September 17, 2012
I get to be a wife for 30 something days...Yay!
I don't get to be a wife often. Well, in the sense that I would cook and clean for my husband. He's gone often and I still cook and clean on occasion, but, you know, it's different. Eric has been home for week now. It's been great. I make him lunches, wash his socks, help pick out his ties, train him at the crack of dawn, and all sorts of wifey type things. My favorite thing is laughing. When Eric and I are together, we are on the same wavelength humor wise. We spend all day cracking jokes and saying witty remarks to each other. It's great!
My goal this month that I have with him is to train him and feed him accordingly to his goals. I cook every meal fresh and I try to hide veggies in the meals so that he'll eat them. He's a very picky eater. Another goal is to make sure when he comes home every evening, he has all the quality time with Elora Danan he can get before her bed time. So far I think I'm doing a fair job.
I miss him terribly when he's away. He'll be going away VERY SOON. I have to get months of laughing in before he's gone again.
My goal this month that I have with him is to train him and feed him accordingly to his goals. I cook every meal fresh and I try to hide veggies in the meals so that he'll eat them. He's a very picky eater. Another goal is to make sure when he comes home every evening, he has all the quality time with Elora Danan he can get before her bed time. So far I think I'm doing a fair job.
I miss him terribly when he's away. He'll be going away VERY SOON. I have to get months of laughing in before he's gone again.
My Geek Hat
I'm a geek. I don't show it often and it's hard for me to find other females with similar interests. Mostly guys know what I'm quoting or when I refer to Hobbit Day or Skyrim. I need geeky girl friends. I want to throw a Hobbit Day Party but I am quiet certain that most of my friends have no idea what I'm talking about and will mostly not feel inclined to attend. I enjoy C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy; J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and LOTR Trilogy; video games; Willow; Dune; Star Wars; etc...I don't really have anyone to talk to and geek out with. Eric likes them, but no where near to the extent that I do. MY brother was awesome to talk to when he lived with us for a bit. But, alas, he has moved away and got married. I never see him. I miss my family!
This blog is about my many hats and how I attempt to juggle the different areas in my life; therefore I may open up about it more. Not sure. Maybe.
This blog is about my many hats and how I attempt to juggle the different areas in my life; therefore I may open up about it more. Not sure. Maybe.
Friday, September 14, 2012
OOTD: Ripped jeans, Zumbawear
I'm excited about this outfit, because I can wear a Zumba Fitness t-shirt as everyday causal wear. I enjoy the casual look. I'm also excited to be comfortably fitting into me pre-pregnancy clothes again.

Zumba Fitness Wonder V-Neck T-Shirt - Gray size XS
Express X2 Jeans - size 0
Clarks Roxana sandals - black size 5

Zumba Fitness Wonder V-Neck T-Shirt - Gray size XS
Express X2 Jeans - size 0
Clarks Roxana sandals - black size 5
I love being a mommy
I love being a mommy and I feel very competent when it comes to raising and caring for my child. However, there are times when others make me feel inadequate. Whether it's a passing comment or some literature on child rearing, I feel that I scrutinized. Everyone has an opinion. Each in their own right believes that their way is best and the way that all should follow. I, for one, am not entirely certain that I know the 'right' way. But I can tell you that I must be doing a fine job, because every doctor visit has ended with 'She's perfect. Keep it up.' and Elora Danan is the happiest child on the planet. Sleeps through the night, eats well, and is on track or advanced when it comes to those Ages & Stages thingies.
I may be a new mommy, and I most certainly do not know it all... But c'mon! Most of this is common sense. Patience, consistency, involvement, responsibility, and determination are key for me. Best compliment I've ever received came from my MIL. She told me how impressed she was with me because I do not become frustrated with Elora Danan. She's right. I'm very relaxed and patient. Babies crying is not something that upsets me. Blowouts, spit up in my hair, missing out on Zumbathons because I had to clean up a mess, having to take her to classes with me, being alone while Eric is TDY, teething, waking up in the middle of the night - the list goes on, but I think you get it - none of these things frustrate me.
In my opinion, Elora Danan has given my no cause to lose my temper or to become upset. She is a baby. She cannot speak or do anything for herself right now. She needs me. She needs me to teach her. I get to be a greatest influence in her life. I get to experience all her new discoveries and all her firsts. What a blessing to be part of something so magnificent. I mean, wow! I get to have this beautiful, precious human being look up at me everyday with those big, beautiful blue eyes full of unconditional love and unwavering trust.
Goodness! I want to go pick her up and smooch on her!
I better not's past midnight and I should be sleeping. I have a 4:30am client to train and my own workout to do at 6:30am.
I may be a new mommy, and I most certainly do not know it all... But c'mon! Most of this is common sense. Patience, consistency, involvement, responsibility, and determination are key for me. Best compliment I've ever received came from my MIL. She told me how impressed she was with me because I do not become frustrated with Elora Danan. She's right. I'm very relaxed and patient. Babies crying is not something that upsets me. Blowouts, spit up in my hair, missing out on Zumbathons because I had to clean up a mess, having to take her to classes with me, being alone while Eric is TDY, teething, waking up in the middle of the night - the list goes on, but I think you get it - none of these things frustrate me.
In my opinion, Elora Danan has given my no cause to lose my temper or to become upset. She is a baby. She cannot speak or do anything for herself right now. She needs me. She needs me to teach her. I get to be a greatest influence in her life. I get to experience all her new discoveries and all her firsts. What a blessing to be part of something so magnificent. I mean, wow! I get to have this beautiful, precious human being look up at me everyday with those big, beautiful blue eyes full of unconditional love and unwavering trust.
Goodness! I want to go pick her up and smooch on her!
I better not's past midnight and I should be sleeping. I have a 4:30am client to train and my own workout to do at 6:30am.
Late Night Thoughts
Blogging is really difficult. I have a lot to say, but I feel that it is probably not what blog readers want to hear. Perhaps I am self-conscious. I've been reading up on how to blog. The experts say that I must find one topic and stick to it. Well, the concept behind starting this blog is that I do more than just one thing. I'm a girl on many hats. Not just one. They also speak about consistency. I'm not blogging as often as I should. I should probably try to though, eh?
Lately, I've been feeling a little lost. This is normal for me. I spend most of my time trying to figure out what to do next. Is anyone else like that?
Lately, I've been feeling a little lost. This is normal for me. I spend most of my time trying to figure out what to do next. Is anyone else like that?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
I really want to win this...
I keep entering these giveaways hoping to
I love using cloth diapers. They are easy to use, better for Elora, better for the environment, and better for my the long run!
If you like cloth diapering...visit the link for your chance to win!
I love using cloth diapers. They are easy to use, better for Elora, better for the environment, and better for my the long run!
If you like cloth diapering...visit the link for your chance to win!
Shame On ME
Well, I had decided to start working out the end of July to WOW my husband when he returned from TDY. He was going to be gone for 6 weeks. Plenty of time to show a few results. I had a plan and I even blogged about it for accountability. Well, nothing happened. He'll be home in 3 days and I've gotten nothing to wow him with.
I am determined to start working out though. I even found a female workout, if we could just start! That would be awesome.
I'm really good at finding excuses! I know that I look good for having had my first baby 6 months ago, but that is no excuse to allow my strength and endurance to diminish. I say I'm too tired to workout. I say I teach Zumba® Toning and Zumba® Sentao and that's enough! I say that I'm a prat-time single mommy and toting my baby, stroller, pack-n-play, spears, etc. to class everyday is enough of a workout.
But I am not happy with my current fitness level. I stare at my deltoids hoping that if I stare long enough they will self-develop. I want washboard abs, but I won't do the work! I want firmer thighs, yet I only do lunges when I teach my classes. Blah blah blah blah
Lack of energy? Lack of motivation? Lack of accountability? Feeling overwhelmed? Yes. Yes to all. But I'm not the only one. I know this. There are 1,000 of other women in the same boat as me. I need to get off my butt, crash the pity party, and WORK!!!!!
I am determined to start working out though. I even found a female workout, if we could just start! That would be awesome.
I'm really good at finding excuses! I know that I look good for having had my first baby 6 months ago, but that is no excuse to allow my strength and endurance to diminish. I say I'm too tired to workout. I say I teach Zumba® Toning and Zumba® Sentao and that's enough! I say that I'm a prat-time single mommy and toting my baby, stroller, pack-n-play, spears, etc. to class everyday is enough of a workout.
But I am not happy with my current fitness level. I stare at my deltoids hoping that if I stare long enough they will self-develop. I want washboard abs, but I won't do the work! I want firmer thighs, yet I only do lunges when I teach my classes. Blah blah blah blah
Lack of energy? Lack of motivation? Lack of accountability? Feeling overwhelmed? Yes. Yes to all. But I'm not the only one. I know this. There are 1,000 of other women in the same boat as me. I need to get off my butt, crash the pity party, and WORK!!!!!
Elora Sits
A couple of weeks ago I decided to do some serious sitting sessions with Elora. In one day she picked up sitting all on her own. She still throws her self backwards and bumps her head, but I think she's starting to figure out that she's doing it to herself. However, being a new mommy I'm still protecting her and putting 1,000 pillows around her to prevent any more head bashing.
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