Thursday, October 3, 2013

Eating at Home Week 1 Update


For three days ALL meals have been at home. I know it's only three days in, how hard can that be?? VERY HARD for us. Especially my husband who's  work days are unpredictable and mainly because he refuses to take a packed lunch. However, we are striving not to veer or give in to temptation. I've had a couple hiccups like forgetting to buy an ingredient so I had to switch day 2 dinner with day 3 dinner. But I'm flexible and determined to not let my pregger brain be an excuse to dine out!

Came in kinda last minute but I joined the October Unprocessed Challenge.

We still have some processed food in the house, unfortunately, BUT I'm getting us there! My biggest roadblock is my dear sweet husband. He is supportive in my endeavor to make our family the healthiest we can possibly be, but these things take time. Baby steps for my love. I know we will get there soon. My ultimate goal is to be completely unprocessed by January 2014. I think it's quite doable!

Thanks for reading!

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