Saturday, November 3, 2012

I really suck at blogging...

It’s difficult to be a woman in today’s world. Pretty much the same as years long before. Nothing has really changed. If you stay at home and play housewife and mom then you are old-fashioned and a slave. If you work outside the home and place your children in childcare, then you are not a good enough wife or mother. If you choose career and success over husband and children, then you are a shark.

I wonder where I am in all this. I’m a wife, SAHM, and I work outside of the home. I try to balance all the aspect of my lifestyle. Sometimes I choose motherhood and other times I choose job. I have to make choices I’d rather not at all. I feel passionate about my students and the service I provide as a fitness instructor. I feel equally passionate, on another level completely, about being the best mother I can be for my sweet Elora Danan.

I dabble in many things. I know who I am, but I still search myself sometimes. I’m guilty of changing my mind frequently. My likes and dislikes have swapped. I am told quite often that I’m ADD, although, I have never been diagnosed. Spacey is another word I have heard folks use to describe me. I make lists to writes list to get organized. I’m a hot mess, and yet I feel that my life has reason and order. I'm working on getting it together. I have few 'plans' that I'm trying to implement. Mainly, I just need to take one day at a time, accomplish one thing at a time, and then build on that. It sounds easy enough. In reality, I'm struggling to get started. I guess I'll go write a new list/plan...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Military Wife Career Dilemma

It's very difficult for us to have 'careers' when we move every 2-4 years. We raise our children on our own 60-80% of the time. We may commit ourselves to things and end up backing out, because our husbands end up coming home to visit for the short time. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We join companies like Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Scentsy, and countless others for the simple fact that we can take it with us and 'work' just about anywhere on the planet. Our dreams and goals are put on hold while we stand by and follow our hero around the globe.

I'm sure that other wives feel the same way at times. I am not unreliable or flaky. I sure feel that way though! I hate having to chose; however it is not a difficult decision for me to make! After 8 years being military wife I have learned to 'work' around my husband's career. His job comes first. Somewhere along the way I get to do something I love!  Zumba® Fitness is a perfect job for me. Not only do I LOVE teaching, but it's something I can take with me anywhere I go next.

I enjoy helping others. I love to serve others. I want to go out of my way to ensure someone else's success and well-being before my own. I've always been this way and I will never be able to change. My love language is Acts of Services. If i didn't need a job, I would teach for FREE. And I do need the moolah! It's hard to keep going sometimes. I often feel alone and outside. I  know that there are those who are there for me. I appreciate them. I am grateful. I am moved to tears. Despite those who are only out for themselves - those who bulldoze over others - I am thankful to those who help me to keep going!

All in all, I love that I found something that feeds my heart's desire! I love my students. I love helping others. I am a servant and I will serve ALWAYS!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Infant Massage...hmm

This is Elora's and my second week going to an Infant Massage class on base. It's a free class - I'm all about the free! I'm not too sure Elora is very interested right now. Both times she wiggled all over the place. I spent more time trying to get her back on her back instead of listening to the instructor and practicing on my baby. I'm glad they gave us handouts on the different techniques and what not. The point of these classes is not so much to learn to massage my 6 month old but more so to socialize my infant and get the heck out of the house. I am so content to stay home alone with my precious baby everyday. However, being a recluse is probably not the best way to help Elora become socially apt. My hope is that Elora will begin to like it and stay still one day. Right now she is in her exploration stage, because she is finally able to move about on her own.

I guess I should probably talk about the benefits of Infant Massage, blah blah blah...but that requires research and I'm out of time right now. I'll follow up later on the subject. I gotta go to St. Pete for a BBQ at one of Eric's co-worker's house. I have to put on my try-not-to-be-so-darn-weird-and-geeky hat. I have a baby now so I really gotta talk to the females. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before...Females make me uncomfortable. I never know what to talk about. I don't enjoy most of the topics they chose. BUT I have a kid now, so I'm expected to be all motherly and talk about stuff. I feel that it ends up being a competition. Well, my baby is only 8 months and she does this. But my baby is better, because it spits up all the time. Well, yours isn't nearly as advanced as mine, because my child does this or the other.

I'm going to be standing there quietly thinking about Dark Siders II and how I can't wait to get home to play. There's also a Zumba Core Demo I downloaded and want to try it out. Skyrim...I haven't played in forever. I need to test out the dragon shouts using the Kinect. I'm still kinda sore that tomorrow is Hobbit Day and no one wanted to have a Hobbit Day Party with me. I'm still gonna dress Elora up as a baby Hobbit and take pictures...OH SHE'LL LOOK SO DARN CUTE!!! Maybe Eric will let me get away with it. I doubt it though. He's such a party pooper.

*Sorry for grammatical errors and what not. Typing with a baby in your lap who is so eager to help you by slapping at random keys can make blogging quite a challenge. I do try to use spell check and read before posting. I still miss things though.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I get to be a wife for 30 something days...Yay!

I don't get to be a wife often. Well, in the sense that I would cook and clean for my husband. He's gone often and I still cook and clean on occasion, but, you know, it's different. Eric has been home for week now. It's been great. I make him lunches, wash his socks, help pick out his ties, train him at the crack of dawn, and  all sorts of wifey type things. My favorite thing is laughing. When Eric and I are together, we are on the same wavelength humor wise. We spend all day cracking jokes and saying witty remarks to each other. It's great!

My goal this month that I have with him is to train him and feed him accordingly to his goals. I cook every meal fresh and I try to hide veggies in the meals so that he'll eat them. He's a very picky eater. Another goal is to make sure when he comes home every evening, he has all the quality time with Elora Danan he can get before her bed time. So far I think I'm doing a fair job.

I miss him terribly when he's away. He'll be going away VERY SOON. I have to get months of laughing in before he's gone again.

My Geek Hat

I'm a geek. I don't show it often and it's hard for me to find other females with similar interests. Mostly guys know what I'm quoting or when I refer to Hobbit Day or Skyrim. I need geeky girl friends. I want to throw a Hobbit Day Party but I am quiet certain that most of my friends have no idea what I'm talking about and will mostly not feel inclined to attend. I enjoy C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy; J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and LOTR Trilogy; video games; Willow; Dune; Star Wars; etc...I don't really have anyone to talk to and geek out with. Eric likes them, but no where near to the extent that I do. MY brother was awesome to talk to when he lived with us for a bit. But, alas, he has moved away and got married. I never see him. I miss my family!

This blog is about my many hats and how I attempt to juggle the different areas in my life; therefore I may open up about it more. Not sure. Maybe.

Friday, September 14, 2012

OOTD: Ripped jeans, Zumbawear

I'm excited about this outfit, because I can wear a Zumba Fitness t-shirt as everyday causal wear. I enjoy the casual look. I'm also excited to be comfortably fitting into me pre-pregnancy clothes again.

Zumba Fitness Wonder V-Neck T-Shirt - Gray size XS
Express X2 Jeans - size 0
Clarks Roxana sandals - black size 5

I love being a mommy

I love being a mommy and I feel very competent when it comes to raising and caring for my child. However, there are times when others make me feel inadequate. Whether it's a passing comment or some literature on child rearing, I feel that I scrutinized. Everyone has an opinion. Each in their own right believes that their way is best and the way that all should follow. I, for one, am not entirely certain that I know the 'right' way. But I can tell you that I must be doing a fine job, because every doctor visit has ended with 'She's perfect. Keep it up.' and Elora Danan is the happiest child on the planet. Sleeps through the night, eats well, and is on track or advanced when it comes to those Ages & Stages thingies.

I may be a new mommy, and I most certainly do not know it all... But c'mon! Most of this is common sense. Patience, consistency, involvement, responsibility, and determination are key for me. Best compliment I've ever received came from my MIL. She told me how impressed she was with me because I do not become frustrated with Elora Danan. She's right. I'm very relaxed and patient. Babies crying is not something that upsets me. Blowouts, spit up in my hair, missing out on Zumbathons because I had to clean up a mess, having to take her to classes with me, being alone while Eric is TDY, teething, waking up in the middle of the night - the list goes on, but I think you get it - none of these things frustrate me.

In my opinion, Elora Danan has given my no cause to lose my temper or to become upset. She is a baby. She cannot speak or do anything for herself right now. She needs me. She needs me to teach her. I get to be a greatest influence in her life. I get to experience all her new discoveries and all her firsts. What a blessing to be part of something so magnificent. I mean, wow! I get to have this beautiful, precious human being look up at me everyday with those big, beautiful blue eyes full of unconditional love and unwavering trust.

Goodness! I want to go pick her up and smooch on her!

I better not's past midnight and I should be sleeping. I have a 4:30am client to train and my own workout to do at 6:30am.


Late Night Thoughts

Blogging is really difficult. I have a lot to say, but I feel that it is probably not what blog readers want to hear. Perhaps I am self-conscious. I've been reading up on how to blog. The experts say that I must find one topic and stick to it. Well, the concept behind starting this blog is that I do more than just one thing. I'm a girl on many hats. Not just one. They also speak about consistency. I'm not blogging as often as I should. I should probably try to though, eh?

Lately, I've been feeling a little lost. This is normal for me. I spend most of my time trying to figure out what to do next. Is anyone else like that?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I really want to win this...

I keep entering these giveaways hoping to
I love using cloth diapers. They are easy to use, better for Elora, better for the environment, and better for my the long run!

If you like cloth diapering...visit the link for your chance to win!

Shame On ME

Well, I had decided to start working out the end of July to WOW my husband when he returned from TDY. He was going to be gone for 6 weeks. Plenty of time to show a few results. I had a plan and I even blogged about it for accountability. Well, nothing happened. He'll be home in 3 days and I've gotten nothing to wow him with.


I am determined to start working out though. I even found a female workout, if we could just start! That would be awesome.

I'm really good at finding excuses! I know that I look good for having had my first baby 6 months ago, but that is no excuse to allow my strength and endurance to diminish. I say I'm too tired to workout. I say I teach Zumba® Toning and Zumba® Sentao and that's enough! I say that I'm a prat-time single mommy and toting my baby, stroller, pack-n-play, spears, etc. to class everyday is enough of a workout.


But I am not happy with my current fitness level. I stare at my deltoids hoping that if I stare long enough they will self-develop. I want washboard abs, but I won't do the work! I want firmer thighs, yet I only do lunges when I teach my classes. Blah blah blah blah


Lack of energy? Lack of motivation? Lack of accountability? Feeling overwhelmed? Yes. Yes to all.  But I'm not the only one. I know this. There are 1,000 of other women in the same boat as me. I need to get off my butt, crash the pity party, and WORK!!!!!

Elora Sits

A couple of weeks ago I decided to do some serious sitting sessions with Elora. In one day she picked up sitting all on her own. She still throws her self backwards and bumps her head, but I think she's starting to figure out that she's doing it to herself. However, being a new mommy I'm still protecting her and putting 1,000 pillows around her to prevent any more head bashing.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

WOW: Day One

WOW Series
Day One

You maybe wondering how to start. Here are a few of steps to help get the ball rolling.
1. Pick a goal.
2. Make a plan.
3. Provide yourself with the tools to follow the plan.
4. Eliminate obstacles
5. Accountability

Choose your goal! "In six weeks, my goal is _______." Please be sure that your goal is reasonable for the established time-frame. Write it down. Put it on Facebook. Tweet it. Blog it. Call your mom and tell her your goal. Share with a co-worker or fellow student. The point is ACCOUNTABILITY! If no one is helping you stay accountable, getting sidetracked or giving up is almost inevitable.

Now, you make a plan. When are you working out? Morning? Lunchtime? Evening? How often? What type of workout will you chose? There are many. Insanity, P90X, and Crossfit  are just to name a few. Doesn't really matter what you chose. The fact is that you will see results once you start eating right and MOVE! I will tell you that you definitely need to hit the weights. Cardio is not the ONLY answer.

Providing yourself with the right tools is important. If you plan to workout at home, you may want to invest in exercise equipment. Or you could join a gym. You need a journal and pen. Keep track of you progress.  You need to eat a well-balanced diet. Make a meal plan. Start planning all your meals for the week. Shop for the meal plan. Try eating 6-8 small meals a day. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, before, during and after your workout. Nutrition is 60% of success when it comes to being fit and healthy.

Eliminate! What is you weakness - your Achilles Heel? Is it soda or candy? Going out for dinner? If your friends invite you to go out to dinner every weekend or eat out for lunch, let them know about your refocus on health and that you are eliminating roadblocks. Trust me, they will understand. This is important. Don't short-change yourself. Eliminate the obstacles that stand in your way. Go through your pantry and fridge and start eliminating! You don't need those things. They don't help you. Discipline is key here, people. You can not satisfy appetite. Feeding your appetite only makes it grow.

As I mentioned earlier, accountability is crucial to success. Surround yourself with a support group. This series will be my accountability and I would love your support and involvement! Share your goals with me. Share your plans with me. Share your triumphs with me. Share your setbacks with me, too. I want to be here for you.

I've picked my goal. Have you? Come back tomorrow morning. I'll be sharing my plan with you.

Go for the WOW!

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm going to WOW him

Truthfully, I have not been trying to get back into shape. I look pretty good for having a baby five months ago, but I'm no where near the physique before getting pregnant. I had worked really hard for the physique and I need to do so again. No more excuses!

So here's my plan. My husband is gone for the next 6 weeks. My goal is to 'wow' him when he gets home. Although, he thinks I'm gorgeous and sexy just the way I am, I want to stop him in his tracks! Starting tonight after my Zumba Fitness class I will be starting my strict 6 week make over. Wanna join me?

Follow my for the next 6 weeks. State your goal in the comments. I'll help you and motivate you and keep you accountable. I only ask you do the same for me. I'm GREAT at coming up with excuses! So below type you a very realistic goal for the next 6 weeks. Take a before picture. Take my hand and we will do this together!!!

My goal is muscle definition. Ideally my abs, thighs, and arms.

Let's do this!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fuzzi-Bunz Giveaway!

I really enjoy using the cloth diaper on my Little Bits. They are super easy to use and clean.

I have not tried the Fuzzi-Bunz, but I have heard great things. I would really like to win, becuase I need more cloth diapers. I only have 5 BumGenius right now!

Enter for your chance to win! Good Luck!

Balancing Act

So, I'm a hot mess. I always try to handle everything by myself. I'm a military spouse so I'm use to being alone and doing what needs to me done...I know my other wives understand. You're married, but have a roommate that's never home. You're married, but a single parent. You learn to deal and do. My distress; however, is not being alone and doing it by myself. It is actually relinquishing the idea that I am alone and must do it by myself. I have a terrific support system and many friends who are willing and ready to lend a hand. But do I call on them? No! I'd rather be hardheaded. This only leads to more stress and utter dismay.

Well, I started this blog as a creative outlet. I used to write. I enjoyed it. I stopped for YEARS! I want to revisit writing and the enjoyment out of it I once experienced. This blog has no style and will most likely be all over the place until I figure out what I am doing. Mostly I am allowing my thoughts to travel through my fingertips into the key board. Hoping in the end that I have written something cohesive to the idea behind this adventure. Hats. Multitasking. Being which ever person called upon for or during a situation. 

Writing every 1 to 3 days. That's my goal. I struggle. I struggle with the notion that blogging is a waste of time? Am I neglecting my child? Could this time be put to better use? Does anyone really care what I have to say? Does it matter? I thought I was writing to revisit the enjoyment blah blah. Your words. I end up having a ridiculous argument with myself. I can't be quite stubborn! I never get to win!

Anyway. Point is I have a lot going on. My full-time job of being a wife and mother. Yes, it is a real job thank you very much! My part-time going on full-time job of being a Zumba® Fitness instructor. Personal Training on the side. The very FAR side! Last and could be least, this blog. How do I balance it all? How do other women in similar situations do it? Please share your secrets!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vitamin A

Vitamin A
Major functions are promote vision, both night and color. Promote growth. Prevent the drying of our skin and eyes. Promote resistance to bacterial infection and overall immune system function.
Dietary Sources are sweet potatoes, spinach, greens, carrots, cantaloupe, apricots, broccoli, fortified cereals, fortified milk, and liver.
Deficiency leads to night blindness, xerophthalmia, poor growth, and dry skin.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Vitamins are essential organic substances required in small amounts in our diet for normal function, growth, and maintenance of our body. Vitamin supplements are very popular, but not necessary if your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals. The best choice it always to eat a balanced diet, rather then relying on multivitamin supplements.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I haven't been able to keep up with most of my responsibilities these past 2 months. Today Elora is 2 months old. She has nearly doubled her weight and is finally starting to get those adorable rolls. She is a very happy and active child. Only fusses of cries when hungry or needs changing. She outgrew her preemie outfits and almost too big for her newborn ones. Looks like I need to purge her wardrobe again and unpack her 0-3 month outfits.

I'm finally catching up on everything that I have let fall to the wayside. I have plans for May! I am back to teaching my Zumba Fitness classes and I'm about to start picking up my old clients. I miss training.

I have less then 10 pounds to go to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight. Almost back into my old clothes. More on that later.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

And She Smiles...

Elora is socially smiling now!! We are so excited!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Fest Zumba Demo

Helping out my dear friend and fellow colleague Lolita Ortiz. It was a great, free family event at Riverview High School to bring in the spring season.

Seven weeks postpartum.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

5.5 weeks post pregnancy

My husband's new hobby - amateur photography. He really enjoyed it during high school and the birth of our child was the perfect excuse for him to get back into it. He has a good eye and he is improving.

Top - The Limited; Jeans - F21; Shoes - Loft

Monday, March 26, 2012

Back Into The Mix: 4 weeks post-pregnancy

Four weeks after having my baby I couldn't wait to get back to teaching my classes! I had a natural birth and recovered very quickly. I was able to do a third of the class myself, until I got winded and tired and gave it over to two amazing friends and fellow instructors.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Hat Adjustments

Motherhood. Exhaustion. I am beginning to believe that the words are synonymous. Late nights. Long days.

I am bound to a schedule that doesn't always makes sense. Although I am nursing, Elora does not always want to eat every 2 hours. Sometimes she'll go 2.5 hours or as long as 4 hours. The longer stretched of time are at night when she sleeps. Last night she slept nearly 6 hours.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

2 weeks post-pregnancy

I'm currently 2 weeks postpartum and as you can see...EXHAUSTED! My Belly is going down rapidly due to breastfeeding. I'm still getting the hang of my new "Motherhood" hat. Long days. Longer nights. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. Being a mom is the most wonderful thing in the world!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quotes For Reflection

"Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either."
-Albert Einstein

Friday, March 2, 2012

Elora Danan: My New Hat

So I've been a little distracted with my new hat. My precious newborn daughter. Her name is Elora Danan. She was born last Friday, and is perfect. I am currently BF and sleep is rare for my husband and I. We are grateful to have my mom, 'Lita - short for Abuelita, is here helping us out. I hope to be posting again very soon; however sleeplessness has taken its toll on me. Please be patient as I grow accustomed to this new 'hat'.

Here is a picture of my precious child and one of my beautiful family!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Soap Making

Today I went to Milagros Inc. to make soap. It was a little pricey in my opinion, but still a nice experience. I got to decorate - not make - my very own soap and chose a scent. I walked away with a very Madi Gras looking bar of soap! Their soaps are lovely and smell divine

prego style: Soapy Jeans

37 weeks

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Separation Anxiety

Being a military spouse I have to deal with long separations from my Eric. The separations range from a mere week to months. Well, this last one was only 5 days. No problem. However, being 8 months pregnant I was having a few hormonal issues. What is usually routine for me and something I just accept, became nearly unbearable. First night I can never sleep, but by the second I can. I could not sleep 4 of the 6 nights he was gone...awful being that tired. So, on the second night I decided to browse the web. I ended up buying SHOES.

Shirley Leather Peep Toe Booties, Cognac - Ann Taylor Loft
Colin Stuart Studded Pump, Black/grey Leopard Print - Victoria Secret
Both are size 5. I am typically a size 4.5, therefore these fit slightly large. This is the case with my feet. lol

This is definitely a new coping method for me. I don't just buy things. I normally keep myself busy with work. Strange development...

How do you cope? Anyone can answer this question. It does not pertain only to military spouses. I'm curious to read your answers. My sisters married military men as well. I would like to hear from them - I know one makes beautiful jewelry. Is that your coping method? Or is it just fun!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have been completely MIA!  I cannot believe how busy things have gotten. I will resume posting tomorrow. I have lots to post and update. Lots of style, fashion AND fitness to share. I'll spread it out

I'm sorry that I was not consistent this past week. It will not happen again!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quotes For Reflection

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."
C.S. Lewis

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Things to come

I'm beginning to get the hang of things here in the blogger's world and I'm very excited. This blog was originally started as an outlet for me. A creative outlet. I wear many hats in my everyday life and decided to open up and share a little insight into my life.

I'm very excited about the upcoming weeks. I have approximately 5 weeks of pregnancy left and will soon be able to meet the little princess who enjoys kicking me in the ribs! I'm also excited about my plans for the blog! I introduced several 'characters' I play in life - my hats that I wear, at the beginning of the blog. Well, I am going to start elaborating more on each as my blog develops. Please feel free to offer up suggestions. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

Daily regular post on a variety of topics coming soon. These posts will be about all the things that make up Lydia. My love for my family, fitness, health, cooking, fashion, beauty, travel, etc...

Please stay tuned!

The Bible in 365 Days

Genesis 39-40
Matthew 11

This is from my phone...still getting the hang of mobile posting. Lol

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Stand Proud

Today Eric and I attended a One-Day Intensive Childbirth class. At the beginning of class we were paired with another couple for an exercise. The exercise consisted of interviewing the other couple and then we were suppose to introduce them to the rest of the class and share interesting facts about them. Well, of course they ask about employment and Eric tells them about being in the military. They ask how it affects our pregnancy and if he has to deploy often. Eric tells them that he will most likely be leaving 5-6 days after the birth of our princess for a 6 month deployment.

This leads to many "I'm so sorry!". They turn to me sympathetically and ask me if I have family in the area to help me while he's gone. I don't. What about friends they ask. Plenty. I let them know that I have a support system in place and that I'll be in good hands. At the introductions this comes up again. Everyone feels sorry for Eric, because he's gonna miss so much, and they feel sorry for me because I'll be alone. I appreciate the concern, I really do. However, this is a HAT that I chose to wear and I wear it proudly!

I don't want anyone's pity for being a military wife. I am serving my country by standing by my husband and supporting him in his career. I am proud to have his child. To raise her. To wait for his return, all the while teaching his little princess about how wonderful, brave, and selfless her daddy is!

Photo taken by Samantha Fisher with Keepsake Portraits.
>8 months pregnant<

The Bible in 365 Days

Read your Bible with me!
Genesis 33-35
Matthew 10:1-20

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Next Morning: The Gainesville Getaway

Eric and I awoke, packed our belongings and headed to breakfast one last time! Just as wonderful. We checked out, thanked the staff for a fantastic stay and experience and bid them farewell. We headed straight to the Butterfly Rainforest. We were please to find that they were taking flight. Eric and I, each, had a butterfly land on us and we saw many beautiful plants and birds as well.

One last stop at Mochi before driving home. Eric loves mochi. Can't eat enough of it. As I do not like ice cream, I stuck with my honeydew frozen yogurt. Yes, You correctly. I do not like ice cream.  No, the world is not coming to an end. Believe it or not there are those in the world who do not like ice cream. Though our numbers are quite few.

Everything was perfect and coming home was difficult. It was a lovely time and we look forward to our next stay in a bed and breakfast!

The Bible in 356 Days

Read your Bible with me!
Genesis 31-32
Matthew 9:18-38

God bless!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quotes For Reflection

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
- Abraham Lincoln

The Bible in 365 Days

Today's Bible reading is from:
Genesis 27-28
Matthew 8:18-34

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Next Day: The Gainesville Getaway

Eric and I arose early and headed down to breakfast! Oh my, what a spread! Fresh fruit, organic Costa Rican coffee, homemade organic granola, vidalia onion and spinach quiche, assorted breakfast sausages, an amazing french toast souffle with cream cheese and pears, fresh farm eggs made to order, and freshly squeezed orange juice. Eric squeezed our orange juice with a large all metal citrus press.

After breakfast the adventure began. We received two bicycles and a map and we were off! Now, I wasn't quite off with ease as Eric was. I, for some peculiar reason, had not ridden a bicycle in years. Not to mention, being 8 months pregnant kinda throws off one's balance and center of gravity off just slightly. After, a couple of stop and goes, I finally got the 'hang of it'. And now, off we went.

The destination unclear to me, I enjoyed the sights and sounds of historic Gainesville as my husband guided me to my surprise. We biked through the University of Florida, home of the Gators and Gatorade. Lovely campus. Four miles, several hills later we arrived at our destination. The Florida Museum of Natural History. Parked our bikes and I bee lined to the nearest bench to rest and catch my breath. Eric stood next to me asking if I had figured out my surprise yet. Now, my husband does not share the same love, excitement, or appreciation for museums as I do. Unless, it be the National Corvette Museum. However, I had noticed a few rather large banners for the Butterfly Rainforest! I absolutely adore butterflies! Gorgeous creatures!

I was terribly excited to enter the museum. In part to see the butterflies, but momentarily mostly in part to find a bathroom as my bladder might explode! Upon my reappearance, Eric informed me that the butterflies may not be flying due to the cold weather. Slightly disappointed, Eric and I spoke with a Mike, member of the staff, and he reassured us that if we returned the following morning it would be warm enough for the butterflies to take flight. Encouraged, Eric and I took on the rest of the museum. We marveled at the extensive wall displaying thousands of butterflies. Each unique in their own way. We looked in on a few of the labs to see where new ones hatched and others were preserved. I was giddy and thoroughly enjoying every moment!

After the museum, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and began our trek back. I was positive, but not entirely looking forward to it. We tried to take a 'shorter' route and ended up lost, but my husband, being the navigator that he is, quickly got us back on track! However, I did have to stop when we came to a very steep hill and walk my bike until the ground leveled out. I was tired and aching. Every time Eric asked how I was doing, my answer would be "Eric, I am a personal trainer and a Zumba Fitness instructor. I am fine. This is nothing!" He would reply, "Oookayy."

Four miles and several hills later we were back! Parked our bikes and headed to our room to relax before Wine & Cheese. I was excited to get in a short nap. Oh, did I mention our room was on the third floor? Yup! No elevators. Those stairs posed a bit of a challenge after the bike ride. I entered our room and collapsed on the bed. Eric made some remark to whether I was gonna make it or not. I assured him I could handle anything. He said I was a trooper and that he was proud of me. I said thank you.

At Wine & Cheese we met new couples. Although, not as open to conversation as the ones from the night before, pleasant chit chat was exchanged. Eric and I enjoyed ourselves for nearly an hour with our cheese, crackers, and coffee, until both were ready to eat dinner. We decided on a lovely little Italian restaurant called Amelia's. After, dinner we got dessert at Mochi. Delicious. Honeydew is my favorite. And that was the end of our second night.


Ready for my surprise! Love this outfit.
Very comfortable for a pregnant woman.

We just had to get pictures in the stairway

The Bible in 365 Days

Today's Bible reading is from:
Genesis 25-26
Matthew 8:1-17

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Bible in 365 Days

Today's Bible reading is from:
Genesis 20-22
Matthew 6:19-34

The First Night: The Gainesville Getaway

We drove to Gainesville from Tampa and arrived shortly after 3pm. After checking in and taking our luggage to our room, on the third floor, we decided to go for a nice walk in the McKenzie Gardens. Although, it was cold and a few of the plants were dead from the winter or covered up, we still enjoyed our romantic walk through the gardens. The temperature continued to drop leading us to the nearest Walmart to buy $1 gloves and beanies. Excellent decision.

That evening we made our way to the Wine & Cheese hour with the other guests. Eric and I both do not care for wine, therefore he drank coffee and I drank tea. We spent two hours socializing with two lovely older couples, who were at least twenty years our senior. Eric and I enjoy speaking with our elders. We find that they have more important and interesting things to say then those our age. Our conversation was of a more mature and enlightened substance, then the latest music, TV shows, and/or movies.

We parted ways for the evening to find dinner and one of the dear couples gave us a gift of $50 to have a nice anniversary dinner. Eric and I insisted it was not necessary; however they were fervent in their decision to bless us. They thanked Eric for his service to our country, told us that they were proud of us, and wished us the best in our marriage and parenthood. We were speechless to their kindness. How refreshing to still be able to find kindhearted, selfless, and generous people in today's society!

We ate dinner at the Smoke House. We spent the dinner reflecting on the evening and thanking God for always blessing us. After dinner we turned in for the night, eager to start our adventure tomorrow. I was eager because Eric said he had a surprise for me that went along with our bicycle rides. I could barely sleep!


Eric and I both are fond of Koi

Unfortunately the first morning, Cornelia (the owner), had to chase
down a herring who killed her largest Koi. She was devastated.
She had him for 20 years. Saddness.

We were intrigued that the statue was positioned just right
to block the sun from her eyes. That or it was a happy accident.

Used for wedding pictures.

Honeymoon Cottage and gazebo.

We explored the other rooms and found some with
claw foot tubs. So cool. Our room did not have one.

Kind of random to have this here - in a victorian themed inn.
But since Cornelia's mom does own an Eco Lodge in Costa Rica
 it does make since.

Cushman House Parlor. Where we took our Wine & Cheese.

We were hoping to hear someone play the organ during
our Wine & Cheese. Didn't happen. Cushman House.

The breakfast room in the Cushman House.

Very clean kitchen. Cushman House

Dinner time. I hope Elora gets his gorgeous blue eyes!

Smoke House. We like stained glass windows. Cool fact: the table tops
are made from the fiber glassed 50 year old wood they removed
from the ceiling when they restored the building.

This was my meal. AMAZING!

Eric's. The smoked corn was delicious!

Happy Anniversary to us! Seven years down...forever to go!

Dessert was berry cobbler. It was so good. We gobbled that
up so quickly we burnt the inside of our mouths.